It’s not just about words anymore (WCFay publisher track highlight)

IMG_1251Gone are the days when writers could simply craft the words and be done. Blogs require excellent writing (in a completely different style than print writing), great photos, building a social following, and search engine optimization. And don’t forget the legal issues involved!

We’ve designed the Publisher Track at WordCamp Fayetteville 2015 to meet those needs. The morning starts out with Shane Purnell talking about podcasts, including how and why to do them, and what to do once you’ve published. Podcasts are a great publishing tool in and of themselves but can also help create a social community around an existing blog.

Next up is attorney Meredith Lowry who will talk about the Federal Trade Commission and social media. The FTC has pretty strict rules about what bloggers can, can’t, and must do. Meredith will help clear all that up and make it fun!

We’ve all heard about the changes Google makes to its search engine algorithms and how basically, Google wants bloggers creating high quality content. Part of high quality content is writing well. Angie Albright will guide people through Writing Well for WordPress in the next Publisher track slot.

We’ll break for a delicious lunch and a great keynote speaker from Northwest Arkansas native Josepha Haden Chomphosy. She now works for Automattic, the company that runs

Pandas and penguins are supposed to be cute, right? When they are the names of some of Google’s search algorithm updates, they may not seem so cute! Rebecca Haden with Haden Interactive will start up the afternoon sessions with a talk about Google’s recent updates and how to navigate them (hint: produce good content).

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words so it’s important to find, create and use great photos to help tell the story. Jacqueline Wolven will talk about the power of the picture including how you can get the most out of your phone, stock photos, and editing pics.

Felicia McCranie of Type 3 Web Design will finish out the Publisher track with her talk on blogging for a nonprofit.

Do you have your tickets yet? If not, you can purchase them here. We can’t wait to see you!