Sponsor Spotlight: Mediatemple

One thing that every WordPress site — and every other website, too — must have is a place to live. The company that provides that place to live is your web host. WordPress.com is hosted by WordPress, but the other type of WordPress site is called “self hosted” because you have to arrange hosting for yourself.

One hosting company to consider is Mediatemple, a 16 year old hosting company that serves 1.5 million websites in 100 different countries. They approach hosting with a high degree of passion and dedication; it shows in their 24/7/365 service.

Mediatemple offers a bunch of different hosting plans, from basic WordPress single-site hosting to professional-grade VPS hosting. They offer secure hosting and lots of extras like Google Apps and email, and they’ll help you move your website, too!

If mass market hosting isn’t meeting your needs, it might be time to step up to more specialized hosting services. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by Mediatemple’s prices if you’ve shopped around.

They also have a very intriguing blog. Click through that link for an interesting selection.